OK, so let's get this started off with a bang......a new blog, a new Fuck You list - and it's the perfect time!!
1. Fuck you, State of Florida, for a few reasons - trying to keep gays from adopting, but allowing them to foster. This is one of those silly little redneck laws based on fear and superstition, and thank God, it has been overturned. Do you really think those kids who have been in the foster system all their lives care who it is they are adopted by, as long as they are safe?I don't think so, and I bet if you asked them, you would find that I am right. Also, because everything here requires a Florida drivers license, even if you have a perfectly good license from another state. And because my Texas license is not good enough to prove who I am to transfer my fucking license. You heard me right. My governement issued ID is not enough to get a new ID. I have to have two utility bills in my name, my birth certificate, a letter from Jesus saying I live here, and my mom's right thumbprint, in blood. Fuck you, you bureaucratic nightmare!!!
2. Fuck the GOP for blocking the repeal of DADT. It was a stupid fucking law in the first place, and now that it has been ruled unconstitutional, you decide that you can't have gays in your precious military? Fuck you, you narrow-minded, backwards ass motherfuckers. The entire function of the GOP since the president was elected has been to stop him from getting anything accomplished. How the fuck does THAT benfit the country? How?
3. Fuck all you sorry motherfuckers out there (and in my house) who don't pay your share, constantly complain about everything under the sun, fuck up constantly and still have the balls to take none of the responsibility!!!!
4. A great big sloppy faggot kiss and a fuck you to Fred Phelps and the Westboro gang. I have not forgotten about you, hate mongers! There is no excuse for protesting the funeral of a soldier who died for this country. I do not agree with this war, and I think the reasons we were put there in the first place were lies, but I have friends and family serving in the military, so I take personal offense to this. Be careful where you protest - some people are just ass extreme as you.
And finally, huge kudos to Bill Maher, for continuing to fight for truth in government, blast both sides for being utterly ridiculous and call people out for their bullshit. You should run for president, Bill - I'd vote for ya!!
Peace, love and hand grenades,
and you think my rants are extreme?