Saturday, September 25, 2010

The first "Fuck You" list of 2010

OK, so here we go with the first "Fuck You" list of the year - I've been saving this one up for a while, but I don't have time to tell off everyone who needs it, so we'll just stick to the important shit.

1. Fuck Haiti. That's right, I said it - fuck Haiti. Until there are no more hungry, homeless kids here in the US, I don't fucking care about any other country and their fucking problems. If all of their building weren't made of duct tape and hope, they would not be in this situation.

2. Fuck Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity. These people have actually said, on national television that certain government officials should be assassinated. If you or I said that in public, we would be arrested for making terroristic threats or inciting violence. For them it is protected speech. Fuck that. Somebody shoot them, please.

3. FUCK TWILIGHT!!! Are you fucking kidding me? what is it with all these god-damned teenage vampire romance movies? WHAT THE FUCK????? Vampires are supposed to be scary, not cute, and they do not fucking sparkle in the sun, they burst into flames. I found a t-shirt the other day that said "And then Buffy staked Edward....The End" - I agree, and I think we should find that kid and stake him.

4. Fuck all these little emo douchebags running around in girls pants. Seriously? Skinny jeans? How do you get man feet through the legs of those fucking pants anyway? DO you have to break your feet with a hammer? Is that why they're always crying? Take off the makeup, stop fucking cutting yourselves, and fucking grow up already. The planet is going to Hell, and nobody gives a fuck about you or your silly little high school drama.

5. And finally, for now, fuck all these right wing zealot morons who are both pro-life AND pro-death penalty....WHAT THE FUCK????? So let me get this straight, before you are born, you are a precious gift from god that must not be endangered in any way, but once you're here, fuck you. Did I get that right? Step into traffic, you fucking hate monger idiots.

OK, I gotta get back to work. More seething hatred soon...... ;)


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